August 2016 Meeting Minutes

Union County Amateur Radio Club August 2, 2016 meeting minutes

Meeting called to order at 7:07pm
Minutes approved for July meeting
Treasure's Report
Frank went over a purposed budget and discussion ensued about dues.
• John motioned to charge a full years due for 1⁄2 year and to pay dues by January for the full year.
It Passed at 7:45pm
• Will motioned the first club meeting of the year are when yearly dues are due and can be paid
by the 2 nd club meeting and still be in good standing. John KA8LVZ seconded the motion
It passed at 7:48pm
Discussion about membership levels ensued, members that are members of more than one club-
associate membership dues being less

Gail motioned to make regular membership dues $30, John KA8LVZ seconded the motion. It
Discussion of family membership ensued.
• Eric motioned that a family membership dues cost $5 and are limited to family members living
at the same address. If family members have a valid license they also have voting rights Paul
seconded the motion. It passed
• Paul motioned that an associate member cost to be $15 – does not include voting rights. The
motion was amended for the cost to be $10 It passed
• Frank motioned that a student membership cost $10, John seconded the motion, it passes
Membership applications are to be approved at the next meeting
If anyone wants to mail their membership dues to the treasurer, Frank's address if 10343 Ketch Rd,
Plain City, OH 43064
Paul was asked to be the club call sign trustee and accepted the position of club sign trustee.
New Business:
Forming an activities committee were discussed, Wil mentioned that the Madison County Club's vice
president is also the activities chair person. The Following activities were discussed,
1. Hamfest/Trunkfest in April?
2. Parks on the air
3. Ohio QSO party
4. Field Day End of June
6. Annual Meeting (end of January)
7. Winter Field Day

Frank motioned that the club take part in the Ohio QSO party the 4 th Saturday of August
from 12pm to midnight. Paul seconded the motion, it passed.Meeting Activities like speakers, demonstrations, etc were mentioned.
Ed asked if anyone would be interested in participating in JOTA (Jamboree on the Air) and John, Eric,
and Gail said they would be interested.
The quest for a logo continues, some logos were submitted and Ed will post them on the website.
Meeting adjourned