September 2016 meeting minutes

UCARC Meeting Minutes 9/6/16

Meeting brought to order by Joe at 7:12pm
Approval of 8/2 minutes – Paul Motioned, John 2 nd , passed
Marvin Gilbert, EMA Operations Officer passed away, Pray for family.
Treasurer's report
Income – 648.44
Expenses - $43.21
Total 605.23 in paypal and bank account
Frank setup an ebay and paypal account for the club UCARCOH – ebay account
Fund Raiser idea, If anyone wanted the club to list and sell items on e-bay, 25%
commission or $10 minimum after fees would be donated to the club. No charge if item
doesn't sell. The club can sell donated items on e-bay.
Arnal is going to help identify box of radios donated to the club
Membership Roster passed around, Discussion about how to handle club membership
information, whether or not to list it on the website. Ken motioned to table the
discussion until next meeting, Gail 2 nd Passed none opposed
Logging Software N3FJP purchased by Paul for the club, Ed motioned to reimburse Paul
back for software $49.95, Eric 2 nd the motion. Passed none opposed
Ohio QSO Party – 15 people at station 720 from noon to midnight throughout the day.
109 contacts made.
Eric suggested about having an online signup list for events. Discussion ensued. Google
Docs and signup genius mentioned
October SET (Simulated Emergency Test)
ARRL affiliation paperwork- Ed went over forms filled out and obtained needed
information on forms form club.
Ohio QSO Party Report
QSL Card received from Ohio QSO party – Ed to make a QSL card with the club call sign
to send out.
Paul Motioned to approve the ARRL affiliation paperwork Gayle Seconded the motion.Passed none opposed
Vanity Call sign – Paul to apply to vanity call sign – Discussion ensued
Order for preferred call signs W8UCO, KD8UC, AD8UC
Paul Motioned, Eric 2 nd passed, 1 opposed
UCARC logo – next meeting after new call sign deadline
Eric E Motioned, Eric H 2 nd passed
Event Planning
SET Oct 1 st Particpate at Station 720
Jota – Oct 15 th – Discussion ensued – Discuss more at next meeting
Planning tabled until next meeting -
Special Event Station - ARRL Calendar – etc.
Findley HamFest on Sunday
Breakfest next weekend
W4XDCC Pigeon Forge 23 rd and 24 th Eric E might be going. Anyone want to go with him?
Eric H Donated a HT, beofeng, and mag mount antenna to the club for use by club
members, particularly new hams that don't have a radio yet.
Paul talked about Ed's trip to NY and communicating on 40 meters and using
text/phone/email to coordinate frequencies. He also talked about echo link and getting
it setup and using it to coordinate with Ed in NY. Discussion about Echolink/IRLP.
Frank brought up simplex net and discussion ensued
Eric E motioned to adjourn meeting Gayle 2 nd motion passed with none opposed at