6 and 10

Attached is a possible multi-band antenna from the MARCH 2015 issue of
QST  to put up in the attic to be able to get yourself on 10 and 6 meters
quickly and easily to try them out.  Uses the two conductors of 450 ladder
line to make a dual band antenna, such as 10 m and 6 m "in one flexible,
cheap, unit."  Doc's (W8NRH) sea stories suggest 6 m SSB (SSB is typically
horizontal  polarization, FM is typically vertical  polarization for mobile
work, BUT, contacts CAN be made both ways) can open up and be worked on a
'wet noodle' of an antenna!

     Several of us have quad-band FM radios and have been operating on 6 m
FM (52.700 Repeater in Columbus, -1.0 MHz input site is closest to
Marysville, 123.0 Hz, see http://www.corc.us/).  If I make my antenna, I
might also take check-ins on a future NET on 10 m FM (29.600 MHz simplex,
but not for Novice/Techs) and / or 6 m FM (52.525 MHz simplex, for all
except Novices) just to try something different!  (Frequency privileges:
http://www.arrl.org/frequency-allocations )   Could even do 10 m SSB phone
(28.300 to 28.500 MHz) to include any Techs and Novices!  (Any Novices left
around here?)  The above ladder line dual band antenna could be a 10 m / 6
m dual band horizontal dipole for SSB if just the horizontal 'long
radial' (even the folded version) was made, then cut and fed in the middle
of the 10 m length like any standard dipole!

(See attached file: Close Coupled Resonator multi-band ant.doc)