October 1st meeting

Pizza - 6:30pm
Meeting Starts at 7pm
Meeting Location:
940 London Ave
Marysville, OH
Please join us October 1st at 6:30pm for pizza and for the meeting that starts at 7pm. please send an e-mail to pizza@ohiohams.net so the club can get an idea how much pizza to get.

Scott N8SY, The ARRL Ohio Section Manager, wil be talking about ARES Connect. If you are not familiar with ARES Connect it is an event planning  and time tracking tool that can be used for any amateur radio related event.

Below is information about ARES connect from the August 5th Ohio Section Postscript News Letter http://www.arrl-ohio.org/news/2019/ps-08-05-19.pdf

It seems as though the name "ARES Connect" is getting folks confused about who all should be using this system. Maybe we should just call it “Ham Radio Connect”or how’s about just plain “Connect”instead! Whatcha’ think? Would you think the system was for everyone then? This system is new to everyone and it seems that the moniker ARES that got hung on this new system is keeping alot of folks from using it. Let’s clear the air on that right now. It’s not just for ARES events. I'm here to tell you that it's to be used for ANY event that involves Amateur Radio. It can be a RACES, CERT, Skywarn, Red Cross or just a few hams gathered at a table to talk about Amateur Radio. It all counts! Club meetings, hamfests, working on that club trailer, repeater, website, field day, parades, newsletter or just having fun keeping track of all those spandex folks during every kind of raceimaginable are perfect examples of hours that count that are not necessarily ARES directly related but do have an impact on your community.

Any Amateur Radio related activity should be an event in ARES Connect and your hours recorded. Why? These hours will help demonstrate to the FCC and all of our government officials (local, state and federal), as well as all of our served agencies our willingness to volunteer and help our fellow citizens. These are not just hours; they are dollars that are given back to our communities, and we want our government officials to know just how much we give back to help keep the frequencies that we have, as well as future frequencies that may be available later. Showing them in dollars how much we give back is what keeps their attention and helps preserve our current frequencies.