Meeting Minutes May Club Meeting

Meeting Attendance:

Ed Liddle, KE8ANU
Armand Arabian, KC8DAG
Chris Hallock, W8RNO
AJ Loferski, KJ4SYN
Nick Kymakis, KE8VIX
Paul Fowler, N8IG
Dean Grinch, WA8OMQ
Sherley Crowder, W8SLC
Frank Reed, KD8UFE
Roger Shaull, W8KSH
Bryan McGeary, KD8ZWI

Meeting Discussion:  Still having the noise issue at the station.  Culprit is still presumed to be the power lines out front by the road.  Dean did some directional testing, and all signs point to the power pole.  Field day planning still in progress, Memorial Day Parade activity was cancelled.  Talked about status of the beam antenna.  The beam is ready to go up, Joe is going to determine and order the correct length of coax.  A bigger mast will be installed so the elements don't droop below the tower.  It was decided that we will hold our field day event at Keckley park.