Simulated Emergency Test (SET)

Simulated Emergency Test
If you are inetrested in partcipating in the SET at EMA Station 720, we have a signup page, similar to the sign up that was used for the Ohio QSO party here 
The SET isn't a contest. Genral information about SET can be found on the ARRL site

Below is informtion about the SET from Stan, the Ohio Section  ARES Section Emergency Coordinator.
The SET is October 1, the national date. We don’t use both days, we try to get everything done that Saturday.  You all are MOST welcome to participate!!!  I love to hear Union County in this stuff.   The guys are putting together a monster scenario- ‘not your mamma’s SET’ they say.  Last year we did a long term power outage. This year, it’s TEOTWAWKI – the end of the world as we know it. We’re bringing in the military- the Ohio Military Reserve is throwing in with the exercise. They’ll be tabletopping this year, and next year they’re actually talking about moving troops!  Anyway, the crux of this year will be preparation, social unrest, outages of pretty much everything, and hopefully coordinated messages between counties as we play it out.  It would be an excellent opportunity to involve other agencies locally if they want to play.  So that’s the story.

I would be thrilled to see a whole bunch of UCARC folks at the conference on the 24th. Hope that many of you can attend- I think it would be well worth your time.

Ohio Section  ARES Section Emergency Coordinator Website

Saturday, October 1, 2016 - 8:00am to 12:00pm