
Steam Threshers Special Event Station Help needed !!

The steam threshers special event station in July needs volunteers. Will who has been coordinating it for the past 2 years has other obligations he has to tend to the wekeend of the Steam Threshers Show in Plain City and is unable to coordinate the event this year. We need someone to coordinate the event which will involve setting up the antenna and radio to use during the event at Past Time Park as well as taking the antenna down and packing up the radio when the event is over. In the past we have strung up a dipole antenna using the trees to support it. Will has talked with the president of the Miami Valley Steam Theshers Association and he has gotten permission to have the special event station there this year. If you want to help out with the event or coordinate the event, please contact Ed, KE8ANU at

The special event station is located at the old gas station at the park. There is power available there and we are allowed to store some of the equipment in a building there. In the past it has been the club banner and a small folding table. Will has used his personal radio for the event. We should be able to use one of the club radios for it. Below is a photo of were the station is set up to give everyone an idea of what is needed. It is a fun event to work. You end up talking to other hams on the radio that are also involved with old farming equipment and tractors. Often visitors will walk up and ask questions about the radio setup and that usually is a good opportunity to promote the hobby. 

Grant, KE8JOU our newest NCS for the Thursday Night NET

Grant did a fine job running the Thursday night net on July 5th. He met Ed, KE8ANU at EMA Station 720. He already had a good topic for the net picked out and ran the net. Grant got his license April 25 of this year. He has been learning a lot about the hobby over the last 2.5 months and is very active in amateur radio.  He also brought a 2 meter antenna he made with him so we could check it out on an antenna analyzer. Click on the title or the "read more" link to view the pictures.


Space Station SSTV Images Received

Ed received a couple of SSTV images from the space station this morning. Click on the title to view the images. Ed hopes to receive more images during this event and will post them here. 

Below is the information about the SSTV images.
June 29- July 1, 2018 - SSTV images of satellites
SSTV will once again be active from ISS starting June 29 about 09:00 UTC. These images will commemorate the various satellites that were hand-deployed from the ISS. These will include the first satellite deployment from ISS: Suitsat-1/Radioskaf-1 which was  developed by ARISS and deployed in February 2006. The transmissions should continue until July 1 ending about 18:30 UTC.
**Update** July 26
Downlink frequency is expected to be 145.80 and the mode should be PD120.
** Update**
June 28Looks like there will be an award assiociated with this session. Details at

Field Day 2018

We had a good Saturday for  Field Day. The weather was good, food was great, company was awesome, and we even made some contacts!

Click the title to see some pictures of Saturday's Field Day Operation.

2nd Annual Ham Radio Tailgate and Trunkfest Pictures and Winners

We would like to thank everyone that came out to the 2nd Annual Ham Radio Tailgate and Trunkfest. We look forward to seeing you again next year. We would also like to thank the New Horizons Baptist Church for the use of their parking lot. Click on the title to view the pictures.
The Jumbo Spot winner and door prize winners are listed below:


JumboSpot Rob Jostes, KD8GPG Marysville, Oh  
$100  Dx Engineering Certificate Dave Youtz, WB8UCD Rosewood, Oh
$50    ARRL Gift Certificate Dave Michel, K7DRM Dayton, Oh
$25    ARRL Gift Certificate Eric McFadden, WD8RIF Athens, Oh
$25    ARRL Gift Certificate Scott Tressler, W8ALM Toledo, Oh



Jamboree On The Air 2017

We had a great time at Camp Lazarus in Delaware, OH operating the JOTA station. We were able to get a lot of scouts talking on the air. Arlin's, KD8EVR portable DMR repeater provided the scouts the opportunity to connect with others scouts on the JOTA talk group from all over including Ireland, the UK, and other states. Arnal, N9ACC did agreat job working with the scouts on the HF radio. Bob, W8NVN from Madison County made a great looking display and helped scouts with the morse code keyers. Josh, KB8YQS and his son Joe, KE8JOE did great getting scouts talking to eachother on HTs. Joe, KE8JOE also made a lot of contacts on the DMR radio and helped with the DMR radio. He was doing great for being 10 and licensed earlier this year.  Dennis, KE8HDE did a great job talking about the hobby with the scouts and provided the Pop-Up canapoies and tables. There were an esimated 500 people at the camp durring the day and Camp Lazarus had over 900 attend the Monster Mash event that night.  Please click on the title or the readmore link to see pictures. Click on the pictures to view them full size.


The Miami Valley Steam Threshers Show special event station, W8UCO will be operating on 40 meters at the show on July 13 & 14 from 5pm - 9pm EDT and Saturday July 15th from 9am to 9pm EDT from Past Time Park in Plain City, OH.
More information about the Miami Valley Steam Threshers can be found on their website

QSL information can be found on our QRZ page

If you are inteersted in operating the special event radio, stop by the old gas station at the show! Click on Read More to see some pictures from Thursday Night.

N8IG Repeater Update

The EMA sponsored N8IG repeater antenna was inspected and as suspected, a loose connection was found and fixed. We want to thank the Marysville Fire Department for their assistance in resolving the problem. We REALLY appreciate the use of your ladder truck and the crew to operate it!
Below are some pictures of the loose connection being repaired that has been giving us intermittent issues. Joe, K8JWL was up in the ladder bucket repairing the connection. Click on "read more" to see the pictures.

Ohio NVIS Antenna Day April 23 2016

How the newspaper managed to get two of the three out-of-county guest
operators in the Union County NVIS Ops picture, I don't know!  But, that is
Ham Radio on most of the front page of the Marysville Journal Tribune on
Monday April 25th, 2016!
Marysville Journal Tribune:   See front
page, or article:

     All Hail! Bryan KD8ZWI for his outstanding efforts at taking a simple
request and making it come through like a Grand Slam as our
no-authority-but-I-asked-him-to-be-our Public Affairs Officer for the day.
You should see the great pictures he took of our day, too, none of which
the newspaper used, but we have as a record of the great day everyone had!
The day was led by Paul N8IG as our EMA Ham Director, Rob KD8GPG as our
Union County ARES Director, and John KA8LVZ as our trusty Control Operator
and call sign of the day for Union County NVIS efforts. If you weren't
there, you missed quite a day of fraternity, fellowship, food, fun, and
antenna facts!   Your loss, because we all gained quite a bit out of it!
If you were operating at other sites, well, to put it bluntly, eat your
heart out!  We had a great time and a very successful day on all fronts,
including learning a lot!  We hope you did, too, but, ...  Union County
And more of you would make that Union County Come Back even BETTER!

     Even Dad Eric KE8CAB got on the HF/ air, after his son Devon KE8DME
tore up the air waves first.  This was a classic case of Dad needing the
air time just so his son didn't have on up on him!!  Way to go DEVON!

The photos below were taken by Bryan, KD8ZWI.



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