UCARC Meeting Minutes Oct 4, 2016
7:04pm Meeting brought to order
Minutes approved for Sept Paul motioned, Ken seconded
Treasurers Report 644.94 in checking account
Club money was used to buy donuts for SET, Collection was taken up that more than covered the cost of the donuts. Consensus was to keep collection money for food at club events and try to break even so club money can be used for bigger expenses when needed.
Paul went to the ARES Conference
Checked into 75 meter net and monitored 146.97 repeater
Future have a radio to monitor Voice on 75 meters while operating in digital modes
EMA – sign-in and sign-out sheet at any activity Important to show activity for amateur radio
Next year plan a scenario possibly a hazmat incident, maybe work from emergency power too?
Also need to work on getting familiar with passing traffic, messages and forms, etc.
Club Logo – One on website looks ok, maybe reference Columbus on lower right of Union County to show where Union County is in relation to Columbus. Rob's daughter may be able to come up with a logo
e-mail list serve setup at freelists.org for ucarc. Ed will send out information to everyone about it so they can sign up for it. Archives it creates are publicly available.
Jota was talked about. Ed, Ron Rice, and Bernie are planning to be at Otter Run during the fall camporee. Talked about activities
Presentation Ideas :
Echo Link – Ken
Traffic Handling – maybe Brian?
Digital Communications
JT65 – digital modes
remote station operation
SDR radios
Show and Tell
Portable operation
Water Tower installation
Dec meeting at station 720 show and tell meeting
Gobox activity
Jan 7th yearly dinner
Lucaseys – Frank going to check out
Bennys – Frank going to check out
DerDutchman – Frank going to check out
Asian Buffet – Ed going to check out
Little Tonys – Ed going to check out
July meeting falls on 4th .. move the meeting a week, move it to sat, not have a meeting?
Ohio QSO Party
NVIS Day – April?
Field Day – June
OH state parks on the air Sept?
New Business
Club Participation – encourage more club participation at events
AM broadcast station getting FM translator for Marysville
Breakfast Saturday
Repeater Move – County needs the EC room the repeater is in for additional office space
Brad moving to Vets Auditorium building
Possible locations for repeater: Multimedia room adds 150' plus of additional cabling
Storage room – not climate controlled
Keep it in same room
move to station 720
Transmitter on a different water tower
Move HF gear to station 720
Meeting adjourned motion by John, 2nd by Doc, carried at 8:35