meeting minutes

April Meeting Minutes

March 4th meeting minutes

Paul motioned to accept the February meeting minutes. John 2nd, none opposed

Treasurers report:
1345 in bank

$150 in assets – repeater
Sold some equipment on e-bay for $100

Stem School update, Eric wasn't present to give an update.

Weather spotting training reminder for Wed April 12th

Trunkfest – Ken has vendor confirmed from Bowling Green

Field Day – June 24-25
Location may be on Waldo Rd
Setup Friday night, need 6 meter station, and possibly a GOTA station

Marvin Special Event station July 15 to 16 Need to come up with a QSL card or certificate to send out. A motion was made, Paul 2nd none opposed

Steam Threshers special event station – Will wasn't present. May conflict with Marvin's special event station.

Club Call Banner – discussed ideas for a banner. Paul wrote down a couple of suggestions, the one on Clyde's banner and
Amateur Radio Communications Local, National, World Wide 
Everyone seemed to like the one on Clyde's banner

Insurance – Paul motioned for the club to purchase liability insurance for $200 Ron 2nd none opposed

Repeater – Ken gave everyone an update on the repeater. Its using the original amp that was repaired to drive an auxiliary amp. The amp from the spare repeater quit working. Ken is looking at that. Tom has the amp that was running at ½ power and is going to try to repair it along with the original duplexers.

The repeater is now operating at full power using receiving only from the receive site at the water tower.

Ed Liddle is the new ARES EC for Union County. Joe suggested to allocate some time at each meeting for ARES related updates and information as a permanent agenda item. Discussion ensued, everyone thought that would be a good idea and also to make the August meeting topic about ARES .

Everyone was reminded about the monthly breakfast at Frich's on Saturday and the Weather spotting training April 12th

The next meeting will be a presentation about DMR by the Ohio section manager and Arlin from the Mount Vernon Club.

We currently have 35 members on the roster.

Frank brought up the club obtaining equipment for club members to use and suggested purchasing some equipment. John suggested asking members to donate equipment they don't have a use for any longer. Discussion ensued. It was mentioned to get a bird watt meter modified and to get some additional slugs for it for HF, VHF, and UHF. John KA8LVZ motioned to use $250 to be used for Ken to purchase bird watt meter slugs at upcoming hamfests. Frank 2nd, none opposed

The meeting ended with discussion and planing for NVIS day.

Bryan contacted the journal tribune and is waiting for a response.

There are plans try out multiple antennas and possibly setup multiple stations. The starting time for NVIS day is at 8am at station 720.

March 7 2017 Meeting Minutes

Paul motioned to approve the minutes for the Feb meeting. Ron 2nd none opposed

Treasurer report- $1372.40 in the account. $983 was the previous balance.
$150 spent on repeater
$133 for parts

UCARC Logo – approved from website

Eric AC8WT – talked with stem school about book donation. He wasn't there. More info at the next meeting.

NVIS Day planning at the April meeting at station 720.
The grill at station 720 can be used. Hours will be from 8am to 5pm
Brian still needs volunteers to help out.
Volunteers for food
Someone to take pictures
Contact the Marysville Tribune for publicity
Bring antennas to try out


Ken created a Sign-up sheet, 2 shifts, 8-11 and 11 – 2
Vendor setup at 8am
Try to get some vendors


Field Day

Ron, NX8Y is coordinating


Special event station – Paul
Event station for Marvin, certificate or QSL card

Steam Threshers special event station – Will to coordinate, get more info at next meeting

Banner – 12x10 $99 bucks 18guage vinyl on line
make it easy for non-hams /public to tell what it is

Insurance – Ed to look into

Repeater -

Ken ordered parts, 2 sets of transistors and 20ohm transistors

Amp getting repaired

Getting spare repeater for parts

Replacing coax with hard line


Everyone talked about how make it efficient to buy items when needed. Frank pointed out the executive committee has authority to do that per bylaws. Amount raised for repeater was more than what was needed to cover the cost of the repeater.

After a discussion of what is on the calendar and field day being at the end of June, Arnal motioned that we not have a meeting in July. John 2nd 1- Frank opposed

Discussion about having a raffle at meetings and events, raffle items or have a 50/50 raffle at each event.

Reminder about weather spotting class April 12th

2017 February Meeting Miniutes

Treasures Report 983 in the bank plus what came in tonight

UCARC Logo Need update – use logo on website
QSL Card with logo discussed

Discuss book donation to local Library’s - Talked a little more. Gathered ideas
stem school, talk to school about school radio club, setup a day to talk to the students. Eric, AC8WT will talk to the stem school about it.
What about other schools in union county, Fairbanks HS, NorthUnion, Dublin Jerome HS? Donate books and DVDs to public libraries, talk to libraries about it first.

QRZ page setup needs pictures, hamqth page setup

New Business

Next month’s (March 7) presentation – Mesh Networking by W8ERD – thank you Ed for setting up.

NVIS Day which is Saturday April 22 – Need someone to coordinate- Brian, KD8ZWI volunteered to coordinate NVIS day. NVIS day is important to EMA and ODEN, NVIS QSL Cards needed NVIS day, new band to try for NVIS 60 meters band

April’s meeting at station 720 to plan for NVIS day

Weather spotter Training – April 12th 6:30pm to 8:30pm Union County Services Building 940 London Ave

Field Day. – Need someone to coordinate last full weekend 24th and 25th Ron Rice may coordinate needs to talk with family

Trunk-fest / Hamfest – Just Ideas at this point. Ken W8KWH has volunteered to head this up. If this can be done this year? When? Where? If not let’s plan for next year. Find a date. No decisions tonight just throw ideas around to discuss.
June, 2nd or 3rd week , Free tailgate fest -

Special Event Station Paul – Special Event Station for EMA/Club Marvin Gilbert maybe with trunkest

Steam threashers special event station Craig w8chr delaware club – steam threashers special event station union county sponsored event with Madison County ARC and 13-16th Will to head it up,

Mailings to let other area hams know about our cub, mailing labels etc..
Event table – pay for space, market club, promote amateure radio -

banner with our club call sign - Paul mentioned about getting a banner with our club call sign

universal radio UHF radio Beofeng UHF B888 Arnal- mentioned universal UHF radio Beofeng UHF B888S – union county code plug for them

Donation – TRC last week donated to EMA Hardline , 2 lengths, 2 DB loss – UHF rack mount mastr II repeater system

Adjourning business meeting 8:08pm

2016 December Meeting Minutes

UCARC Meeting Minutes December 6th 2016


Meeting called to order at 7:20pm


Nov meetings minutes approved
Motioned by Paul, 2nd by


Treasures Report

$703.78 in the bank

No ebay sales, Donated Radios given to Arnal to checkout, Frank didn't think they were worth trying to sell on ebay.
Possible fund-raiser – selling equipment on ebay. Frank is going to come up with a reasonable suggested donation to the club selling non-club donated equipment on ebay




Same status as last month


QRZ page

Good Work Ron!

Ed to check out & and see about updating those pages with same information as QRZ.


Last meetings Echolink presentation by Ken W8KWH

Thank you Ken for the outstanding job!!

& ED KE8ANU for posting the video.


January 7th yearly dinner

After much discussion, we decided to have the dinner at the asian buffet at 5:30pm.


New Business


Brian, KD8ZWI is going to present about information system security.


Discussed book donation to local Library’s. Discussion ensued. We decided we need to do some more research on this, try to find a school radio club to talk to about it, maybe talk to the logan county club about it, and tabled it to discuss at a different meeting.


Frank motioned to adjourn the meeting at 8:19pm Brian 2nd, passed with None opposed.

November 2016 Meeting Minutes

Union County Amateur Radio Club 11/01/2016 meeting minutes


Paul Motioned to approve minutes from the October Meeting
Frank 2nd
Passed, no opposed

Treasurers Report
$703.78 in the account
Membership list – 28 members

Old Business
Jota – Ron, NX8Y, Chris, W8RNO , and Ed, KE8ANU setup 2 HF stations and a 2 meter station at Camp Otter Run for the Darby District Fall Camporee, the same weekend as JOTA. Ron set up some CW keys and showed a video the recreated the Titiantic Morse code transmissions. There were about 100 scouts and several adult leaders that were at the Camporee. A good number of scouts and some adult leaders talked to other stations on the HF and 2 meter stations.

Logo – Rob sent a couple logos to Paul. Paul is to send them to Ed to put on the website.


New business -

Setup QRZ page for W8UCO – Ron NX8Y said he would do that.

Dec Meeting at Station 720, show your GO Boxes/show and tell type meeting

January Meeting - TBD
Der Dutchman - ?
Little Tonys – seats 40 people in their back room, pricing could be from catering menu.

Lucaseys ?

Repeater is staying in its current location. It will be put on casters and moved in the corner of the room. Tower is staying at county services building. May eventually add another tower at Station 720 and use 40 meter beam from ECC on it. HF and 2 meter radios moved to Station 720. Amplifier is working good.

Business meeting finished at 7:23pm
Nov 12th next Breakfast

Ken, W8KWH 's Echolink Presentation ended at 8:23pm

October 2016 Meeting Minutes

UCARC Meeting Minutes Oct 4, 2016


7:04pm Meeting brought to order


Minutes approved for Sept Paul motioned, Ken seconded


Treasurers Report 644.94 in checking account


Club money was used to buy donuts for SET, Collection was taken up that more than covered the cost of the donuts. Consensus was to keep collection money for food at club events and try to break even so club money can be used for bigger expenses when needed.


Paul went to the ARES Conference
Checked into 75 meter net and monitored 146.97 repeater

Future have a radio to monitor Voice on 75 meters while operating in digital modes

EMA – sign-in and sign-out sheet at any activity Important to show activity for amateur radio

Next year plan a scenario possibly a hazmat incident, maybe work from emergency power too?
Also need to work on getting familiar with passing traffic, messages and forms, etc.


Club Logo – One on website looks ok, maybe reference Columbus on lower right of Union County to show where Union County is in relation to Columbus. Rob's daughter may be able to come up with a logo


e-mail list serve setup at for ucarc. Ed will send out information to everyone about it so they can sign up for it. Archives it creates are publicly available.


Jota was talked about. Ed, Ron Rice, and Bernie are planning to be at Otter Run during the fall camporee. Talked about activities


Presentation Ideas :
Echo Link – Ken

Traffic Handling – maybe Brian?

Digital Communications

JT65 – digital modes


remote station operation

SDR radios

Show and Tell

Portable operation

Water Tower installation

Dec meeting at station 720 show and tell meeting

Gobox activity


Jan 7th yearly dinner

Lucaseys – Frank going to check out

Bennys – Frank going to check out

DerDutchman – Frank going to check out

Asian Buffet – Ed going to check out

Little Tonys – Ed going to check out

July meeting falls on 4th .. move the meeting a week, move it to sat, not have a meeting?
Ohio QSO Party

NVIS Day – April?

Field Day – June

OH state parks on the air Sept?


New Business

Club Participation – encourage more club participation at events

AM broadcast station getting FM translator for Marysville

Breakfast Saturday


Repeater Move – County needs the EC room the repeater is in for additional office space

Brad moving to Vets Auditorium building

Possible locations for repeater: Multimedia room adds 150' plus of additional cabling

Storage room – not climate controlled

Keep it in same room

move to station 720

Transmitter on a different water tower

Move HF gear to station 720


Meeting adjourned motion by John, 2nd by Doc, carried at 8:35



September 2016 meeting minutes

UCARC Meeting Minutes 9/6/16

Meeting brought to order by Joe at 7:12pm
Approval of 8/2 minutes – Paul Motioned, John 2 nd , passed
Marvin Gilbert, EMA Operations Officer passed away, Pray for family.
Treasurer's report
Income – 648.44
Expenses - $43.21
Total 605.23 in paypal and bank account
Frank setup an ebay and paypal account for the club UCARCOH – ebay account
Fund Raiser idea, If anyone wanted the club to list and sell items on e-bay, 25%
commission or $10 minimum after fees would be donated to the club. No charge if item
doesn't sell. The club can sell donated items on e-bay.
Arnal is going to help identify box of radios donated to the club
Membership Roster passed around, Discussion about how to handle club membership
information, whether or not to list it on the website. Ken motioned to table the
discussion until next meeting, Gail 2 nd Passed none opposed
Logging Software N3FJP purchased by Paul for the club, Ed motioned to reimburse Paul
back for software $49.95, Eric 2 nd the motion. Passed none opposed
Ohio QSO Party – 15 people at station 720 from noon to midnight throughout the day.
109 contacts made.
Eric suggested about having an online signup list for events. Discussion ensued. Google
Docs and signup genius mentioned
October SET (Simulated Emergency Test)
ARRL affiliation paperwork- Ed went over forms filled out and obtained needed
information on forms form club.
Ohio QSO Party Report
QSL Card received from Ohio QSO party – Ed to make a QSL card with the club call sign
to send out.
Paul Motioned to approve the ARRL affiliation paperwork Gayle Seconded the motion.Passed none opposed
Vanity Call sign – Paul to apply to vanity call sign – Discussion ensued
Order for preferred call signs W8UCO, KD8UC, AD8UC
Paul Motioned, Eric 2 nd passed, 1 opposed
UCARC logo – next meeting after new call sign deadline
Eric E Motioned, Eric H 2 nd passed
Event Planning
SET Oct 1 st Particpate at Station 720
Jota – Oct 15 th – Discussion ensued – Discuss more at next meeting
Planning tabled until next meeting -
Special Event Station - ARRL Calendar – etc.
Findley HamFest on Sunday
Breakfest next weekend
W4XDCC Pigeon Forge 23 rd and 24 th Eric E might be going. Anyone want to go with him?
Eric H Donated a HT, beofeng, and mag mount antenna to the club for use by club
members, particularly new hams that don't have a radio yet.
Paul talked about Ed's trip to NY and communicating on 40 meters and using
text/phone/email to coordinate frequencies. He also talked about echo link and getting
it setup and using it to coordinate with Ed in NY. Discussion about Echolink/IRLP.
Frank brought up simplex net and discussion ensued
Eric E motioned to adjourn meeting Gayle 2 nd motion passed with none opposed at

August 2016 Meeting Minutes

Union County Amateur Radio Club August 2, 2016 meeting minutes

Meeting called to order at 7:07pm
Minutes approved for July meeting
Treasure's Report
Frank went over a purposed budget and discussion ensued about dues.
• John motioned to charge a full years due for 1⁄2 year and to pay dues by January for the full year.
It Passed at 7:45pm
• Will motioned the first club meeting of the year are when yearly dues are due and can be paid
by the 2 nd club meeting and still be in good standing. John KA8LVZ seconded the motion
It passed at 7:48pm
Discussion about membership levels ensued, members that are members of more than one club-
associate membership dues being less

Gail motioned to make regular membership dues $30, John KA8LVZ seconded the motion. It
Discussion of family membership ensued.
• Eric motioned that a family membership dues cost $5 and are limited to family members living
at the same address. If family members have a valid license they also have voting rights Paul
seconded the motion. It passed
• Paul motioned that an associate member cost to be $15 – does not include voting rights. The
motion was amended for the cost to be $10 It passed
• Frank motioned that a student membership cost $10, John seconded the motion, it passes
Membership applications are to be approved at the next meeting
If anyone wants to mail their membership dues to the treasurer, Frank's address if 10343 Ketch Rd,
Plain City, OH 43064
Paul was asked to be the club call sign trustee and accepted the position of club sign trustee.
New Business:
Forming an activities committee were discussed, Wil mentioned that the Madison County Club's vice
president is also the activities chair person. The Following activities were discussed,
1. Hamfest/Trunkfest in April?
2. Parks on the air
3. Ohio QSO party
4. Field Day End of June
6. Annual Meeting (end of January)
7. Winter Field Day

Frank motioned that the club take part in the Ohio QSO party the 4 th Saturday of August
from 12pm to midnight. Paul seconded the motion, it passed.Meeting Activities like speakers, demonstrations, etc were mentioned.
Ed asked if anyone would be interested in participating in JOTA (Jamboree on the Air) and John, Eric,
and Gail said they would be interested.
The quest for a logo continues, some logos were submitted and Ed will post them on the website.
Meeting adjourned

July 2016 Meeting Minutes

Union County Amateur Radio Club Minutes July 14, 2016


19:10 hours Meeting opened by Jerry Hill, 18 present

Floor opened for nomination for President, 1- Jerry Hill, 2 Joe Liszeski, 3 Arnal Cook, 4 Ed Liddle


-Moved for each Candidate to talk about what they can do. Candidates spoke for around 2 minutes


-Voting 18 votes at 19:30hrs 10 for Joe, 5 for Arnal, 2 for Ed, 1 for Jerry

Elected President Joe Liszeski asked Paul Fowler for Executive Officer, Arnal Cook for Vice President, Frank Reed for Treasurer, and Ed Liddle for Secretary. The people agreed to the positions and the 18 members approved them.


-President Joe proposed to decide an alternate meeting night so meetings won't conflict with the regular Thursday night net. After discussion Tuesday and Thursday were voted on, Tuesday got 13 votes, Thursday got 1 vote. The first Tuesday or Third Tuesday of the month were the better meeting nights. First Tuesday received 9 votes, the third Tuesday received 1 vote.

The next meeting will be on August 2nd .


-Dues were brought up for discussion by Frank.

Price out our requirements for costs and wants. Repeater Maintenance, upkeep, upgrade, website were discussed. The consensus was the EMA would most likely be able to maintain the repeater at its current level and the club may want to budget or set aside funds for repairs and likely upgrades to the current repeater. The website was also brought up along with a different domain name. Jerry purchased a union county amateur radio club specific domain name, Ed is currently providing web-hosting. Those costs will be figured into the required costs. Jerry registered the trade name Union County Amateur Radio Club with the state of Ohio for a filing fee of $39


Dues and Initiation fees and/or capital contributions were discussed. Initiation fees/capital contributions fees may be a way to generate some revenue for the club starting out and could be adjusted once the club has established enough revenue to pay for operating expenses and funds that may be needed for equipment costs and repair, etc. This is to be discussed at a future meeting after operating costs are established.


-Net Control, Paul passed out a net control list that covers backup net control operators as well as primary net control operators on a rotating basis. If changes to the list are needed, please let Paul know if you want to be added to it or taken off it.


-Club call signs were discussed. The club needs a volunteer to research how to get a vanity club call sign. John, KA8LVZ will be asked if he wants to volunteer to find that information out. Some vanity club call signs that were mentioned are N8UCC, AD8UC, and W8UCO


-Frank brought up the need for a club logo. If anyone wants to design a club logo we could have a contest and the winner would get a warm fuzzy feeling that they came up with the logo when they see it in use.


-Motion to adjourn at 20:35 hrs, Seconded


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