2017 February Meeting Miniutes
Treasures Report 983 in the bank plus what came in tonight
UCARC Logo Need update – use logo on website
QSL Card with logo discussed
Discuss book donation to local Library’s - Talked a little more. Gathered ideas
stem school, talk to school about school radio club, setup a day to talk to the students. Eric, AC8WT will talk to the stem school about it.
What about other schools in union county, Fairbanks HS, NorthUnion, Dublin Jerome HS? Donate books and DVDs to public libraries, talk to libraries about it first.
QRZ page setup needs pictures, hamqth page setup
New Business
Next month’s (March 7) presentation – Mesh Networking by W8ERD – thank you Ed for setting up.
NVIS Day which is Saturday April 22 – Need someone to coordinate- Brian, KD8ZWI volunteered to coordinate NVIS day. NVIS day is important to EMA and ODEN, NVIS QSL Cards needed NVIS day, new band to try for NVIS 60 meters band
April’s meeting at station 720 to plan for NVIS day
Weather spotter Training – April 12th 6:30pm to 8:30pm Union County Services Building 940 London Ave
Field Day. – Need someone to coordinate last full weekend 24th and 25th Ron Rice may coordinate needs to talk with family
Trunk-fest / Hamfest – Just Ideas at this point. Ken W8KWH has volunteered to head this up. If this can be done this year? When? Where? If not let’s plan for next year. Find a date. No decisions tonight just throw ideas around to discuss.
June, 2nd or 3rd week , Free tailgate fest -
Special Event Station Paul – Special Event Station for EMA/Club Marvin Gilbert maybe with trunkest
Steam threashers special event station Craig w8chr delaware club – steam threashers special event station union county sponsored event with Madison County ARC and 13-16th Will to head it up,
Mailings to let other area hams know about our cub, mailing labels etc..
Event table – pay for space, market club, promote amateure radio -
banner with our club call sign - Paul mentioned about getting a banner with our club call sign
universal radio UHF radio Beofeng UHF B888 Arnal- mentioned universal UHF radio Beofeng UHF B888S – union county code plug for them
Donation – TRC last week donated to EMA Hardline , 2 lengths, 2 DB loss – UHF rack mount mastr II repeater system
Adjourning business meeting 8:08pm
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