May Meeting Minutes
Union County Amateur Radio Club meeting minutes
May 2, 1017
Meeting Minutes – motion to approve by Paul, 2md by Ron
Treasurers report – Frank gave the treasurer's report
Old Business:
NVIS day – band conditions were bad and we made a digital contact and not phone contacts. Everyone had fun making the antenna and participating.
Trunkfest – Ken obtained door prizes from DX engineering, ARRL, and also has 1,000 door prize tickets to use.
Field Day- discussion of 2F or not ensued.
Special Event station for Marvin will be July 15-16. Paul got a special event call sign W8M
Repeater discussion – There was an incident of a hot mic. After making some phone calls and sending some e-mails out about it, we were unable to find out who had the hot mike. This issue was brought up to make everyone aware of it and to make sure everyone is aware of it and to try to not have a repeat of the same issue as a learning experience.
New Business:
Reimurse Ed $40 for the clock soldering kits, Arnal motioned, Paul 2nd. None opposed
Discussion of purchasing additional soldering kits that could be put together by youth that attend field day. How many, and how much to spend was discussed, $150 was talked about and the topic was tabled for the June Meeting.
Breakfast reminder for May 13th was made
Reminder about the June 6th meeting for Field Day and Trunkfest was made.
Gregg KE8BBS and Clifford, KE8WNO has become a new club members.
Scott, N8SY and Arlin, KD8EVR gave a great presentation about DMR, how it works, and how its being used by amateur radio. Arlin mentioned he could put in a Demo DMR repeater at Station 720 to try out.
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