Dec 5 2017 Meeting Minutes

Joe, K8JWL Called the meeting to order

Treasures report - $900 in the bank
$3,400 income
$1,200-$1,300 expenses
$2,000 equipment costs

$228 was spent on Slugs for the Bird Watt Meter
Paul, N8IG motioned to allocated $100 to upgrade the Bird Watt Meter , John, KA8LVZ 2nd, none opposed.

Paul discussed the Tower at Station 720 and the costs to get the antennas moved up higher on the tower would be 1,000 plus cost of hardline. Rob, KD8GPG suggested not to pursue this project at Station 720 and to instead plan for moving the repeater from Station 720 to a higher profile location like the water tower at 38 and 736. Rob is going to check on the availability of the water tower for a repeater location.

New Business:
Paul Motioned the Annual Dinner to be at the Asian Cafe Buffet, John, KA8LVZ 2nd, none opposed.
January Dinner will be at the Asian Cafe Buffet Sunday January 7th or 14th at 6:30pm. Frank is going to make the reservation.   

A discussion about the donated W1GKB club equipment ensued. The general consensus was to keep the HF equipment and other equipment and to form a committee to inventory the equipment. Discussion about a policy on loaning the equipment ensued. Ron Payne is going to headup creating an equipment loan policy. Frank nominated Ron for quartermaster function. There were no other nominations. Ron agreed to start the quartermaster function to the best of his ability with help from the inventory committee

Tech License Class - the club decided to offer a technician license class on Wed evenings from 7pm to 9pm for 6 weeks starting in Feb7th. Gary, KE8O is going to talk with the VE's from Delara and they will put on a testing session after the class.  The class will be held at the Union County Services Building, 940 London Ave in Marysville. 

Officer Nominations: Joe, K8JWL asked the club to stay on as president for another year unless someone else wanted the position. There weren't any new officer nominations.
Ron Payne motioned to keep Joe as club president for another year. Gregg 2nd none opposed 

Joe asked the current club officers if they would like to serve another year with him. They agreed.
Gregg Motioned to accept Joe's slate of officers, none opposed. The Vice president will remain Arnal, N9ACC, Treasurer will remain Frank KD8UFE,  Secretary will remain Ed KE8ANU, and the executive officer Paul, N8IG.  

January the meeting will be the Club Dinner
February, maybe do a amateur radio movie night for the meeting, show amateur radio videos from Youtube that are of interest. 

Gregg motions to adjourn the meeting, Ron seconds.