March 6 2018 Meeting Minutes

March 6th 2018 Meeting Minutes

Approval of minutes none opposed

Treasurers report – cash $1494

$360 collected in dues
Ed Motion to approve John 2nd none opposed

Ares – GOBA June going through Union County in June
Monday Night ARES training at 7:15pm at Station 720
Practice Traffic net – 2 meter practice net.
Central Ohio Challenge MS Bike Ride in July

Tech Class update: 20 – 25 people per tech class, 11 is North Lewisburg Scout Troop

Joe motions for offering 1 year club membership to new hams that take the class to help with mentoring.
Clifford moves to offer associate membership until January Paul 2nds
none opposed

Repeater update – new tower at new 720 quoting new antennas
Guy wires work on old tower neighborhood of $160 If Brad doesn't pay, Paul would like to have club pay for it.

Shirts – polo shirts need to settle on color, embroider club logo with first name and call sign, $35-40 per shirt, Dennis, W8ILD getting embroider machine to do up shirts He can also do hats too Color for Shirts – Ed to do survey on website along with choosing own color

Rick, KK4MLY joined us for the meeting, everyone introduced themselves.

Announcements – Breakfast 8:30am at Frich's
John, N8PVC presentation Central Ohio Severe Weather Network

Meeting adjourned after presentation.