May 2018 Meeting Minutes

Meeting Minutes Frank motioned Trevor 2nd

Treasurers report $1609 cash in bank
6 or 7 people dropped from roster

Repeater Move – no new news

76 repeater receive site Chris KC8FRJ inquired about it

ARES – Bike Ride coming up July 7th

Shirts – Arnal motions to vote for shirt color from top 3, Red, Maroon, and Green

Maroon won the vote

30 – 35 per shirt

Union County
ARC in the logo

Name and call sign


Frank motioned to buy extra shirts for new members– Trevor 2nd

Frank withdraws motion after discussion


Field Day Setup Friday night

Last year 925 contacts – CW 600 and phone combined 309 (60 GOTA)

33 total people involved, 21 licensed, 6 adults unlicensed 6 youth

email union county hams about field day, get e-mail from QRZ

Beam from W1GKB used for field day

17610 Waldo Rd

NIVIS Day inspired discussion – Get different people to operate – make goal for making contacts get a prize
get to gether to operate

Quarter Master – Ron, KE8RGP
taskforce – Ron, Ken W8KWH and John KA8LVZ who else to price items

Paul motions to approve quarter master job description and dennis 2nd none opposed

Items to sell to be offered to club members first

Tailgate -

admission - $5 kids free donation
price on stuff to sell
discussion ensued
8 to 2pm open at 9am
7am setup
hamfest signs

Adjourned at 9: