June 2018 Meeting Minutes

Meeting started at 7pm

Paul motions Joe get a case from harbor freight for the bird watt meter Trevor 2nd

Paul withdraws motion

Bird Watt meter spend $500 on calibration of watt meter and slugs

$100 for mod

$185 for slugs
$40 for case
Total $325
Shipping costs $50 ish


Clifford motions spend up to $400 on everything John 2nd none opposed


ARES Report – Clifford and Ed completed the AuxComm course the week of Hamvention. Central Ohio Challenge Bike ride coming up July 7th from Dublin to Bellefontaine and back for the longest 100 mile loop.


Repeater update : tower approval waiting .. ordered EMAhighband repeater and 35 highband repeater

Ordered antennas. Moving beam to new location


Dennis has a few matching hats to go along with the shirts


Trunkfest :

Weather looks good

7am meet at church

Trevor motioned to raffle a zumspot Ron Rice 2nd none opposed


Field Day

6pm Friday to setup antennas





1 free VHF station

Needed items

150' coax


July Breakfast 14th


Parks on the air

Covered bridges on the air


coming up


Meeting adjourned at 9pm