December 2018 Minutes

December 4th 2018 UCARC Meeting Minutes

Motion to accept minutes Armond 1st, trevor 2nd none opposed

Treasure's report – collecting dues for next year

total liabilities 0 and equities 4663

Trevor 1st Dennis 2nd

100 due to EMA association for GOBA repeater use that the club has.

Quarter master report – NA

Repeater update -
Discussion on new repeater equipment

Ed to email Arlin his thoughts on the matter.

ARES Simplex Net

OSPOTA - Placed 3rd

Holiday Dinner follow up with Frank to see if Sunday the 13th is a go.

Dennis Nominated Arnal for President. Clifford 2nd all in favor none opposed.

No other nominees.
Arnal N9ACC - Club President
Dennis W8ILD - Vice President
Ed KE8ANU - Secretary
Frank KD8UFE - Treasurer
Joe K8JWL – Executive officer

John Motions to approve officers, Ron NX8Y 2nd

Field Day placed 75th out of 300

Breakfast Saturday

Next Meeting Feb 5th

Armond motion to adjourn the meeting, Ron 2nd