N8IG Repeater update
The N8IG Marysville Repeater is now fully operational. Joe, K8JWL has been working on the repeater. He was able to get both the water tower receive site and the local repeater receiver going through the controller and voter.
The N8IG Repeater was replaced with a new Kenwood NXR-710K repeater setup in analog mode. The repeater was purchased by the Union County EMA and put into service on March 10, 2019.
The old repeater, a GE MASTR II Repeater was donated by Honda Americas to the Union County EMA has served the amateur radio operators of Union County well over the years. It was taken out of service when the new Kenwood repeater was put online.
Our oldie-but-goodie Controller, receive link radios, and voter have been setup on the new Repeater.
These will also be put up on the new EMA Tower when it goes up.
Below are some photos of the repeater equipment. (click on Read More to see the photos)
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