Steam Threshers Special Event Station Help needed !!
The steam threshers special event station in July needs volunteers. Will who has been coordinating it for the past 2 years has other obligations he has to tend to the wekeend of the Steam Threshers Show in Plain City and is unable to coordinate the event this year. We need someone to coordinate the event which will involve setting up the antenna and radio to use during the event at Past Time Park as well as taking the antenna down and packing up the radio when the event is over. In the past we have strung up a dipole antenna using the trees to support it. Will has talked with the president of the Miami Valley Steam Theshers Association and he has gotten permission to have the special event station there this year. If you want to help out with the event or coordinate the event, please contact Ed, KE8ANU at
The special event station is located at the old gas station at the park. There is power available there and we are allowed to store some of the equipment in a building there. In the past it has been the club banner and a small folding table. Will has used his personal radio for the event. We should be able to use one of the club radios for it. Below is a photo of were the station is set up to give everyone an idea of what is needed. It is a fun event to work. You end up talking to other hams on the radio that are also involved with old farming equipment and tractors. Often visitors will walk up and ask questions about the radio setup and that usually is a good opportunity to promote the hobby.
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