March Meeting Minutes

Union County Amateur Radio Club March 5, 2019 Meeting Minutes

Repeater update – Arlin having trouble interfacing the old controller and voter with the new repeater.
The plan is to get the controller and voter working with the new repeater, then moving it to the new
location on NW parkway after the tower is put up.

New tower – probably won't be until June
Radio room coming together good at EMA station 720
2 HF stations with amp, 2 UHF/VHF and EMA highband. Ed has been working on getting the
computers imaged

NVIS April 27 th Decide at the next meeting on the location

Motion to decide about direction finding – as a club project, Rick motioned, Bryan 2 nd
Committee – John LVZ, Rick, Ed, Dennis
none opposed

Station 720 – where to put poles
Dean, Paul, Jeff, Arnal, Ron to look into antenna options for poles

Trunkfest June 8 th 9am to 2pm, setup starts at early as 6am. Sellers setup at 8am
$5 a spot for space $5 admission

Motion by Dennis for 2 nd club banner $100 limit, 2 nd by John, LVZ
none opposed

Library Lunch Program
Paul Paul, Ron, Dennis, Dean may be abe. to help

Treasurers report around 3,000 cash

John motion to adjourn,
Ron 2 nd , none opposed