Ohio NVIS Day 2019 Pictures
We had a great turn out for Ohio NVIS Day. We had 2 stations setup, one station was using an end fed wire cut for 80 meters about 3 ft off the ground. The other station was using an 80 meter dipole fed with 100' of ladder line. We made contacts using the 80 meter dipole fed with ladder line. It was around 30 or so feet high on the ends and the feed point was lower. at around 20 feet or so due to tree branches.
We had around 13 people at the event. One new face from the Champaign Logan County Club and a new ham from Urbana were among the people that attended. The weather was good untio the rain started around 3pm. We hope to see everyone again next year for Ohio NVIS Day.
Below are some pictures that Jeff, N8HKO took today.