April 2019 Meeting Minutes

04/02/2019 Meeting Minutes

Motion to Approve March Meeting Minutes by Paul 2nd by Rick approved none opposed

Treasures report - 726 quartly income - primarily dues plus money for pizza. net cash $32054.00

Resolution to change the signature cards for the club for the club president. Motioned by Frank 2nd Jeff, all in favor none opposed.

Introductions - made

ARES Report

NVIS Day - K8LVZ's house, Breakfast first at Friches Put some antennas together

May activity - Fox hunt

Lunch in the park - partners park activities

Field Day at Ron's son's place - June 22nd 23rd

Trunkfest 2nd Saturday in June, 3rd year New Horizons Baptist Church - everything is good except the food truck. We are expecing a good turnout. $5 table charge, Food truck will be there at 6am

Hamvention - May 18th

Meeting Adjourn Jeff - Paul 2nd