JOTA SATURDAY OCT 19, 8AM at Camp Lazarus

We will be setting up a JOTA station at Camp Lazarus by the dining hall again this year. I will be at Camp Lazarus 8 -8:30am to setup the JOTA Station Saturday morning. We will operate until around 5 or 6pm, when the Monster Mash activities begin.  Please let me know if you can join us to help out with the JOTA station.

There will be a lot of cub scouts at the camp accompanied with adult leaders/parents. It is a great opportunity to promote the hobby to younger kids and adults. Activities that are planned are as follows:

I have a board put together that has information about amateur radio Satellites and the space station. It also has information about HF signal propagation and 2 laminated maps, one of the US and one of the world. Scouts can mark the locations on the maps of the stations they talked to with a dry erase marker. Another tentative activity I am also working on is a scavenger hunt/Questions/answers sheet that the scouts can work on while they are waiting. Some answers will be on the board, some may require the scouts to ask an amateur radio operator.  

2 CW practice Oscillators - scouts can practice sending their name in CW while they are waiting to talk on a radio.

Fox Hunt - Find the hidden 2 m transmitter. A transmitter or two will be hidden and the scouts can try to find them using a tape measure beam antenna and a HT.

HF Radio - there will be a HF radio setup with a 80 meter dipole fed with ladderline with a tuner to get scouts on the air talking with other scouts. It will tune on multiple bands.

DMR - there will be a DMR radio there to use with the Delaware DMR repeater. If you want to bring your own DMR radio you can. The JOTA Calling TG will be setup as static on timeslot 1, Time slot 2 will be used for dynamic (Push to talk activated) JOTA TAC talkgroups. See the attached image for the JOTA talkgroup numbers

TS1 JOTA CALL 907 (static)

TS2 JOTA TAC 1 - 8 (Dynamic)

TS2 YOTA Call  (Dynamic )

Information for the Delaware DMR repeater can be found here

Repeater Frequency Details

442.1375 MHz

447.1375 MHz

5.000 MHz



DMR RADIO Frequency Details

TX  447.1375 MHz

RX  442.1375 MHz


Analog 2m/70cm FM base radio for repeater and simplex contacts

Bring HTs/FRS radios for scouts to talk to eachother on using simplex frequencies.

Please let me know if you will be able to help out with the JOTA station. If you would like to bring along anything of interest for the scouts to look at, please do so !

Items you will need to bring:

Chair, Drinks, Food to snack on/lunch.

There are bathrooms available close by in the dining hall.

If you are unable to make it to Camp Lazarus,  please keep an ear out for CQ JOTA CQ JOTA CQ Jamboree on the Air and talk to some scouts this weekend !  JOTA starts on Friday and ends on Sunday. This webpage has information about JOTA frequencies. Hello everyone,
Here is the plan for Saturday.
Meet at camp Lazarus around 8am.

We have already setup 2 popups and the HF antenna on Thursday evening.

There are 4 tables, 4 chairs, 1 tripod, 1 dualband jpole antenna to put on the tripod, and 2 extension cords in the knot tying station by the dining hall, same place as last year. The Club banner and fence posts to use to put that up and a roll of yellow caution tape are in the knot tying station too.


I will bring my HF radio, 2 meter/70cm mobile, DMR radio, FRS radios, a few 2 meter HTs for the fox hunt, transmitter and tape measure antenna for the fox hunt.

I will also bring the practice keyers too.


We will be operating until around 5 or 6pm, when the Monster Mash activities begin.

If you can make it out to help out anytime you are available on Saturday that would be awesome and greatly apreciated! If you are available from home to talk to scouts on the air, that is good too.

I expect the turnout to be good especially with nice weather that in the forecast for Saturday..


This webpage has scouting frequencies listed that will be used for JOTA..