October 2 ARES SET

Around 9am Saturday Oct 2 there will be a NET on -145.350 CTCSS 127.3 Hz Marysville Repeater to take check-ins for stations participating in the Simulated Emergency Test. ( Call sign, Name, Location, anything simulated to report from your location (weather, damage, power loss, etc). Stations that are mobile capable will be asked to deploy to a fire station location at the request of our served agency. Please operate from the parking lot from inside your vehicle. See attached Union County ARES SET INFO.PDF for information. Remember to to say "This is a test" or "This is an exercise" when talking at the beginning and at the end of your message in case anyone is listening on the frequency, they will know it is not a real event.

"Net control this is (your call sign) in Marysville."
"This is net control, Go ahead. "
"This is a test. I have tree limbs down in my back yard and my power is out. This is a test. (your call sign) Back to Net control"
Please see the attached PDF files for additional information.