2022 February 1 Meeting Minutes

February 1st Meeting Minutes

Treasurers report - Ron Motion to approved, 2nd by Ron none opposed

ARES - nets on Monday, about 6 to 10 check ins for Diginet and Voice net

Old Business:
HF beam antenna - Antenna could be down in a couple weeks, Joe, K8JWL bought a kit for the HF beam that has trap end caps on it, etc for the club.

Loop Antenna update - Dean has parts, needs to talk with Joe about mounting the loop to the tower
Discussed about making a loop antenna and using eznec to model it.

Ron talked about the rotor, clkub has new rotor and rotor cable for the HF beam

New Business -
CW update Morse Code Class doing good

Club shirts: discussed about the club having an inventory of shirts to use for new members with club name on them. Follow up at the next meeting

Ron - discussed station setup in EMA radio room, Rules, SOPs, equipment setup

Club Activities for 2022 discussed, the club will be participating in the following:

NVIS Day - April 23 Ed to coordinate

Field DAy June 25-26 Ron NX8Y to coordinate

Ohio QSO Party - August 27th

Ohio State Parks on the Air - Sept 10

Simulated Emergency Test - Oct 1st
Jamboree on The Air - October 15

Discussed about the club getting a table/booth space at local events and hamfests to promote the club. No interest in doing that, but weshould have a brochure that someone can take with them to promote the club if they are going to be at an event and want to promote the club.

Dean motions to Adjourn
Frank 2nd, none opposed