2022 July 5 minutes

Treasurers Report
June Minutes
Joe motion to approve minutes, Ron 2nd

Old Buisiness
Tower climber to take antenna down

New business
Polyphaser - get something to replace the HF beam
Joe makes motion to replace polyphaser, Ron 2nd
none opposed
Joe to look into -

500' LMR 400 - Joe to price  

Next event Ohio QSO PARTY AUGUST - Station 720 Wing it -

SEPT OH State Parks on The Air -
Frank to cover rules -

Paul motions to adjourn
Joe 2nd
none opposed

Roger Shaull - W8KSH - new member/visitor


Field Day notes:

Field Day - use Union County Amateur Radio Club Ohio

Track down interference issues at station 720 - put dummy loads on inside lines by poly phasers and see if there is interference

People in attendance:

Joe, K8JWL
Chuck KA8STA
Roger W8KSH
Frank KD8UFE
Paul N8IG