March 2023 Meeting Minutes

UCARC Meeting of March 7th, 2023

In attendance:

Ed Liddle, KE8ANU
Chuck Kelly
Ron Rice,NX8Y
Paul Fowler, N8IG
Chris Hallock, W8RNO
AJ Loferski, KJ4SYN
Armand Arabian, KC8DAG
MikeHuffman, W8MDC
Frank Reed, KD8UFE
Roger Shaull, W8KSH

The meeting opened with the treasurers report.  $200 less in dues were collected so far this year compared to last year.  With a large bill and a large upcoming project, funds are getting low.

Next topic was the beam antenna.  It has been re-assembled and was set up on sawhorses and tuned.  Concern was raised about the elements twisting in the wind when installed on the tower.  Joe brought in prototypes of homemade aluminum brackets that would bolt to the element clamps and bolt through the boom, preventing the elements from twisting.  Joe also demonstrated an air choke he made on his printer for RG8 coax.

Work continues on dealing with the noise issue.  Dean contacted the power company to come out and investigate.  They came out and shut power off to the building, and the noise remained.  This confirmed the source of the noise was external.  Power company is going to investigate further.

The next topic of discussion was events the club wanted to participate in for the year.  Hamfests were considered a good source for fundraising, but volunteers were few as most were events were located farther away.  Other events discussed were field day, POTA, and participating in the Marysville Memorial Day parade.  This was discussed as a great way to promote the club.  A club campout was also mentioned for the Ohio POTA.

Another activity mentioned was field trips as a club.  Some places suggested were the local sheriff's station, the Findlay Radio Club, the Dayton Club, and the Voice of America museum in Cincinnati.  

Mike Huffman from the Delaware Club spoke about the rules and details of the MUD Contest this weekend and answered questions.

Meeting was adjourned at 9:00PM