UCARC 2016-08-02 Meeting Information

The August meeting went well. Annual dues were discussed and voted on. They are as follows:

  • Regular Member - $30
  • Family Member at the same address - $5
  • Associate Member (no voting rights) - $10
  • Student Member - $10
  • A current amateur radio license is required to be a voting member per the bylaws.

Annual Dues are due at the first meeting of the year, but can be paid at or by the second meeting of the year.

A couple of people submitted logos. Ed will be putting those up on the website as time permits.

The club decided to take part in the Ohio QSO party August 27th. The location for that is at Station 720 at 435 N Maple Street. The next meeting is on Tuesday,Sept 6th at the Union County Services Building.
Attached are the meeting minutes.