April 2023 Meeting Minutes

UCARC Meeting on April 4th, 2023

In Attendance:
Ed Liddle, KE8ANU
Chris Hallock, W8RNO
Ron Rice, N8XY
Chuck Kelly, KA8SJH
Dean Grinch, WA8OMQ
Paul Fowler, N8IG
Sherley Crowder, W8SLC
Bryan McGeary, KD8ZWI
Joe Liszeski, K8JWL
Frank Reed, KD8UFE
AJ Loferski, KJ4SYN
Nick Kymakis, KE8VIX
The meeting opened with the treasurers report.  Funds have increased over the last month by $100.  After budgeted projects are paid for, our total funds will be around $1000.
Discussing club business, the beam is ready to go back up on the tower.  Joe (K8JWL) made and installed custom brackets to prevent the elements from rotating about the boom.  Ed emailed Mike to begin the scheduling process of getting the beam installed on the tower again, and replacing the 10 foot mast with a 20 foot.  This get the beam completely above the tower and also increase serviceability of the VHF higain antenna.  Discussion with URE continues as we are still experiencing the noise on HF.
Members were reminded that the club breakfast is this saturday morning at 8:30 at EMA Station 720.  Also, NVIS day is April 22nd from 10am-4pm, with activity scheduled to be at the EMA Station 720.
Field day is the last weekend in June. Volunteers are needed as Ron (N8XY) will be in Alaska this year.  Chris (W8RNO), Frank (KD8UFE) and AJ (KJ4SYN) Volunteered to help with planning.
Discussion of a beginners CW net was initiated, with a healthy amount of interest.  This net will be led by Chris (W8RNO).  More details to follow.
Chris (W8RNO)  then gave a brief presentation on HF Digital Modes.  A copy of the slides is available in PDF format below.  The meeting closed after the presentation.